Package edu.washington.NVisF.dataIO

Class Summary
BinaryDataFileReader BinaryDataFileReader extends DataReader to support readers of binary data files, providing simple implementations of the connection and meta-info methods.
DataField A DataField object represents meta-info regarding a field for a particular data object.
DataReader The abstract DataReader class defines functions for query-based access to arbitrary sources of physical data.
ObjectInfo The ObjectInfo class provides meta-info regarding the data available for a particular type of data object.
SandPileReader The SandPileReader class provides access to binary files in the SS (solar system) format, without any scale factor applied to the data.
SSFileReader The SSFileReader class provides access to binary files in the SS (solar system) format.
TipsyFileReader TipsyFileReader provides access to Tipsy binary files.
TypeInfo The TypeInfo class provides meta-info regarding the data available from a given source.

Exception Summary
DataIOException This class is the superclass of all exceptions within the dataIO package.
NoConnectionException A NoConnectionException is thrown when an attempt is made to access data, but there is no valid connection to the data source.
OpenConnectionException An OpenConnectionException is thrown when an attempt is made to initialize a new connection when one already exists.
SourceNotFoundException A SourceNotFoundException is thrown when the data source identified in an initConnection() request could not be found.