Installation instructions

There are five steps to setting up NVisF. Everything past the first are very simple point, click, and type-a-few-characters operations. The software will install and run on most systems in under 10 minutes, not counting the download time that depends on the speed of your internet connection. If you do run into any difficulties, please let us know.
  1. Confirm that your system has OpenGL installed (OpenGL is a 3D graphics library). If yes, all is well; if no, all is much messier.
  2. Install Java version 2, if you don't have it already. This requires about 5MB of disk space for the Runtime environment, or 65MB if you want the full development kit (including the compiler).
  3. Install the Java3D extension to Java. This requires 3MB.
  4. Download the NVisF framework itself. This requires <1MB.
  5. If interested, download the demo applications (a few KB) and their associated data files (4.5MB and 3.5MB).

Step 1: OpenGL support

NVisF depends on the Java3D framework, which in turns requires your operating system to have OpenGL support. Many modern OSs already come with this.

With the appropriate support libraries installed, any graphics adapter supported by XFree86 can display OpenGL 3D applications.  The Mesa 3D graphics library provides OpenGL support to all versions of XFree86. Version 4.0 and later have Mesa support built-in, while earlier versions require the installation of stand-alone Mesa packages.

OpenGL performance is often substantially better with a graphics adapter which provides hardware GL support.  With XFree86 versions 4.0 and later this is achieved using the Direct Rendering Infrastructure (DRI) and is built into the X server.  XFree86 version 3.x requires the installation of stand-alone glx libraries created as part of the Utah-GLX project.  For the best possible performance XFree86 4.x users should generally use the X server supplied by their video card manufacturer. The Matrox G400/G450  adapters, cards based on the NVidia GEForce, and some cards from 3dfx and ATI provide hardware GL support under XFree86.

Linux OpenGL support is also available in commercial X servers from Xi Graphics and  Metro Link.

Solaris provides genuine SGI OpenGl support on Sparc workstatins with the TCX, SX, GX, ZX, PGX/PGX24/PGX32, Creator/Creator3D, Elite3D, or Expert3D framebuffers.  A third-party shell script - fbinfo - is useful in determining the type of framebuffer installed in your workstation.

Solaris 2.5.1 is required.  The OpenGL drivers and more information is available from the Sun OpenGL web pages.

version 6.2 or newer comes standard with sufficient OpenGL support; older versions will not work.
OpenGL comes standard with Windows NT 4.0 or newer, Windows 98, and newer versions of Windows 95 (released circa 1997). Older versions of Windows 95 can be upgraded with a patch from Microsoft's download page. The patch is called OpenGL95.exe; use the keyword search option and search for "OpenGL".

Important: Your Windows machine must be running in at least 8 bit color for the applications to display properly.

Step 2: Install Java 2

NVisF is built with the current major release of Java, termed Java 2. Version 1.2 or better is required; NVisF 0.1 was built with version 1.3. To download, go to the Java2SE web site and follow the download directions. This site includes versions for Solaris, Windows, and Linux operating systems. I think there is also a version for IRIX, but I haven't been able to find a download location yet.

Java 2 comes in two versions: a lightweight runtime environment, that only includes the minimum needed to run Java applications, and a much larger development version that includes all the support for building your own code, including the Java compiler and the "jar" archiving utility that allows you to unpack the code distribution. Get the former if you only want to look at the demos, and the latter if you want to play with the code itself.

Important!! If you are downloading the Windows version, write down the directory into which it installs. You will need this in the next step.

Step 3: Install Java3D

Java3D is an extension to the Java environment with support for 3D graphics. It is not a standard extension, so it must be downloaded separately. Go to the Java3D API Home Page and search for the version appropriate for your operating system. Get version 1.2, with which NVisF was built, or newer.

Important!! If you are downloading the Windows version, it will, by default, install into the wrong directory. Replace its suggested directory with the one you used in the previous step (the only change will be the last directory, the version number).

Step 4: Download the NVisF framework

Get the jar archive here. You can save the file anywhere on your system. For information on using the framework, see the demos page.

Step 5: Download demos and data files

NVisF comes with two demo applications. The source code is small, but the associated data files are quite large (4.5 MB and 3.5 MB, respectively). Go to the demos page for a more detailed description.

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This page last updated Jan 5 2001.