Class SandColoringStrategy


public class SandColoringStrategy
extends ColoringStrategy

This class implements a coloring strategy for sandpiles with a bimodal size distribution. Two colors are used, one for the small and one for the large particles. The default colors are red for the small particles and green for the large.

Fields inherited from class edu.washington.NVisF.plotter.ColoringStrategy
blue, DEFAULT_COLOR, green, red, white, yellow
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 Color3f[] getColors(PlotCommand command)
          Returns an array containing one color for each data object according to the particular algorithm of this ColoringStrategy.
Methods inherited from class edu.washington.NVisF.plotter.ColoringStrategy
fillWithSingleColor, getColor, getColorNameMap, getKnownColors, getMultiColors, setColor
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SandColoringStrategy()
Method Detail


public Color3f[] getColors(PlotCommand command)
Description copied from class: ColoringStrategy
Returns an array containing one color for each data object according to the particular algorithm of this ColoringStrategy.
getColors in class ColoringStrategy
Following copied from class: edu.washington.NVisF.plotter.ColoringStrategy
command - the PlotCommand providing data