Package edu.washington.NVisF.animator

Class Summary
AppearanceSerializer This class provides static methods to write an Appearance object to file and to reconstruct the Appearance from a previously written file.
CompressedMovieIO The CompressedMovieIO object reads and writes NVisF movies (that is, an array of ObjectGroup objects) using the Compressed Geometry utilities provided in the com.sun.j3d.utils.compression package.
MovieIO A MovieIO object defines methods for writing a movie (consisting of an array of ObjectGroup objects) to file and reading such a pre-written movie.
MovieMaker The MovieMaker class provides a simple algorithm for constructing a set of 3D scenes from a set of data sources, each of which contains the data for one scene.
SimpleMovieIO This class provides a very simple file format for NVisF movies in which each ObjectGroup wraps a PointArray.
SwitchMovie Constructs a movie from a set of frames (that is, ObjectGroups and a supplied Alpha object.
SwitchMovieBehavior A SwitchMovieBehavior object performs the animation of a movie contructed by SwitchMovie by changing the scene to view according to the value of the supplied Alpha object.